Is our economic model outdated?
The world today is facing several important trends to which the business need to adapt:
- Facing new economic situation;
- Technology revolution challenges;
- The need of sustainable growth having in mind the climate changes and ageing the population in the western world;
How the global business will react to the economic forecasts? What measures Bulgarian business will take? What are the consequences of the trade war? How technological changes, new 5G network and cybersecurity are shaping industries of the future?
TOP 20 economist in the world – Daniel Lacalle is coming in Bulgaria!
These and many more topics will be discussed by top experts during the 4th edition of the specialized business conference of Bloomberg TV Bulgaria – The Next Big Thing that will be hold on the 17th of October 2019 in Sofia, Bulgaria, hall 6, National Palace of Culture.


official opening
- Tomislav Donchev, Deputy Prime Minister
- Kalin Hristov, Deputy Governor of the BNB
- Ilian Georgiev, Chief Executive Officer and Мember of the Management Board of BACB

Economic overview – Are we facing recession or slowdown of the economy? (Presentation)
Maeva Cousin, Euro-area economist at Bloomberg Economics
- Maeva Cousin, Euro-area economist at Bloomberg Economics
- Valentin Marinov, banker, MD, Head of G10 FX research
- Prof. Dr. Galina Kolev, Senior Economist, German Economic Institute
- Jeremy Shapiro, Research Director at ECFR
Moderator: Ivaylo Lakov, Bloomberg TV Bulgaria

Coffee Break

The view of the business – Adaptation, new course, new values?
How the global business will react to the economic forecasts? What measures Bulgarian business will take? What are the new challenges that CEO`s face?
- Aleksandar Milicevic, Regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Nis, Serbia
- Lubomir Minchev, Member of the board of Endeavor Bulgaria, CEO of Telelink Holding
- George Brashnarov, CEО Nemetschek
- Oliver Cadogan, Co-Founder and Board Member at Vivre Deco
Moderator: Bojidar Neytchev, Senior Partner, PwC


“Opportunities and Challenges of the New Economic Model” (presentation)
- Daniel Lacalle, PhD Economist and Fund Manager – TOP 20 of the most influential economist of the
world for 2016
“A strong, vibrant future for Europe — 5 jobs to be done” (presentation)
- Philip Smith, COO Xynteo & EVP ‘Europe Delivers’ Programme

coffee break

5G and new technologies
Industries of the future
- Slavoj Musilek, General Manager, Central & Eastern Europe, Russia & CIS at Universal Robots A/S
- Tomas Jakimavicuis Director of Policy, GSMA Europe
- Georgi Ganev, Client Leader, IBM Bulgaria
Moderator: Ott Ummelas, Bloomberg Tallinn